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Installing Ruby on Rails

You will most likely need administrative privileges to execute the following instructions from the OS command line shell. Use the sudo command (in Unixish systems) or open a cmd.exe window as administrator (in Windows).

  1. Make sure you have Ruby 1.9.2 installed. Rails 3.0 doesn't work in previous Ruby versions. To see your current Ruby version type:
    ruby -v
  2. Update Ruby Gems:
    gem update --system
  3. Install the Ruby on Rails and related gems:
    gem install rails
  4. Install the SQLite3 gem:
    gem install sqlite3-ruby
  5. Install the SQLite3 command-line shell. Go to SQLite Download Page or check your OS's software packaging system (for example MacPorts for Mac OS X or APT for Debian Linux). Make sure the sqlite3 executable is contained somewhere within the PATH environment variable. Windows users can copy the sqlite3.exe and sqlite3.dll files into the Ruby192\bin folder. To see if its correctly installed type:
    sqlite3 --version
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