Application Design and Architecture


Ariel Ortiz


April 14, 2016

I explain here how to write the documentation for your final project. As an example, I provide a simple Greeter web application, which is just a glorified version of the classical Hello World program but running on the web and producing results in different natural languages.

The directory structure for the application and its documentation is as follows:

      ├─ doc/                        Folder produced by RDoc.
      ├─ images/                     Folder for the documentation's image files.
      └─ src/                        Folder for the application's source code.
           ├─ public/                Folder for the server's public documents.
           │       └─ stylesheets/   Folder for the application's CSS files.
           ├─ models/                Folder for the application's models.
           └─ views/                 Folder for the application's views (ERB files).

This is the command used to produce this documentation (running it from the greeter directory):

rdoc --exclude ".json|.css" src

The root of the documentation should now be available at: greeter/doc/index.html

Installing and Running the Application

Use this section to explain any details on how to install and run you application.

To run the Greeter web server you only need to type the following command at the terminal from the greeter/src directory:

ruby -I . -w server.rb

Afterwards, point your web brower at the following URL: http://server-name/

4+1 Architectural View Model

You must use Philippe Kruchten's “4+1 View Model” to document your application's architecture. I suggest using the site to produce the required UML diagrams.

Logical View

The logical view contains information about the various parts of the system. In UML the logical view is typically modelled using class diagrams.

For example, the following figure represents the UML class diagram for the Greeter model and its factory class:

You can include as many of these diagrams as you consider necessary. Note that you only need to specify the names of the classes and their relationships. Don't include attributes or method names in these diagrams.

To include an image in this document, copy it to the images directory and refer it as: link:../images/some_image.png. You can use any web supported image format (PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.).

Process View

The process view describes the concurrent processes within the system. In UML, activity diagrams are used to model this view.

Development View

The development view focusses on software modules and subsystems. In UML, package diagrams are used to model the development view.

Physical View

The physical view describes the physical deployment of the system, revealing which pieces of software run on what pieces of hardware. In UML, deployment diagrams are used to model the physical view.

For example, this is the deployment diagram for our application:


This view describes the functionality of the system from the perspective from outside world. It contains diagrams describing what the system is supposed to do from a black box perspective. UML use case diagrams are used for this view.

Patterns Used

Briefly mention all the patterns that your application uses and identify where exactly. In our example, the following pattern are clearly used:


This section is optional. If somebody helped you with your project make sure to include her or his name here.


Mention here any consulted books or web resources. Examples: