;;; queens.clj: Solves the N-Queens problem. ;;; ;;; Adapted from the code written by Mike Meyer. ;;; http://blog.mired.org/2011/03/easy-parallel-processing-in-clojure.html (defn abs "Returns the absolute value of n." [n] (if (< n 0) (- n) n)) (defn attack? "Returns true if it's possible from the first position [r1 c1] to atack the queen in the second position [r2 c2], otherwise returns false." [[r1 c1] [r2 c2]] (or (= r1 r2) (= c1 c2) (= (abs (- r1 r2)) (abs (- c1 c2))))) (defn new-board "Create a new empty board of size n." [n] (vec (repeat n -1))) (defn generate-next-boards "Returns a list with all the boards that can be produced starting from board and filling the corresponding col with every possible value." [board col] (for [i (range (count board))] (assoc board col i))) (defn safe? "Returns true if all queens on board just before (but not including) col don't attack queen on col, otherwise returns false." [board col] (not (some #(attack? [(board col) col][(board %) %]) (range col)))) (defn generate-next-safe-boards "Returns a list with all safe boards that can be produced starting from board and adding a new queen in col." [board col] (filter #(safe? % col) (generate-next-boards board col))) (defn find-boards "Returns a list with all the solutions for the N-Queens problem starting with board already solved just before col. Stops when col is the last column in the board." [board col] (let [safe-boards (generate-next-safe-boards board col)] (if (= col (dec (count board))) safe-boards (reduce concat ((if (zero? col) pmap ;;; Use pmap only if in first iteration, map) ;;; otherwise use map. #(find-boards % (inc col)) safe-boards))))) (defn queens "Returns a list with all the solutions for the N-Queens problem." [n] (find-boards (new-board n) 0))