S/W Design and Architecture

Short Videos: Refactorings


During this activity:

This activity helps the student develop the following skills, values and attitudes: self-learning, proficiency in English, ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate, and critical thinking.

Activity Description

Individually, each student shall create a short video presenting a specific code refactoring.

José Francisco Murillo LozanoInline Method
Diana Paulina Bravo PérezReplace Temp with Query
Carlos Martínez RodríguezReplace Temp with Chain
Arturo Márquez OlivarRemove Assignments to Parameters
Emiliano Heredia GarcíaSubstitute Algorithm
José Luis Mata LomelíExtract Surrounding Method
Humberto Carrillo GómezRemove Unused Default Parameter
Luis Jonathan Rosas RamosMove Method
Zabdiel Valentín Garduño VivancoMove Field
Andrés Reyes RangelExtract Class
Fernando Sebastián Silva MiramontesInline Class
Itzel Yanabany Castro BecerrilHide Delegate
Rafael Romero BelloReplace Data Value with Object
José Manuel Cruz GilReplace Array with Object
Javier Alejandro Durán DíazReplace Hash with Object
Alan Díaz CarreraEncapsulate Collection
Santiago España VázquezReplace Type Code with Polymorphism
Julio César Lugo CastañedaReplace Subclass with Fields
Roberto Castro BarriosLazily Initialized Attributes
José Ángel Juárez TorresDecompose Conditional
Bruno Omar Jiménez MancillaRecompose Conditional

Each short video presentation must meet the following requirements:

Check the following video by Eduardo Gallegos Solis to see an example from a previous semester.


Upload to YouTube your finished video. Publish it as Unlisted and share the link using our Yammer Community.

Due date is Friday, October 21.


Elements that will be taken into account during the evaluation include: