Compiler Design

Project: Hydra Compiler


This project must be developed in teams of up to three members.

Using C#, you must implement the different compiler phases for the Hydra programming language exactly as described in the provided specification.

Due Dates

Phase Date Description Buttercup Exemplar
1 11-Mar-2020 Lexical Analysis buttercup-0.1.tgz
2 22-Apr-2020 Syntactic Analysis buttercup-0.2.tgz
3 06-May-2020 AST Construction buttercup-0.3.tgz
4 20-May-2020 Semantic Analysis buttercup-0.4.tgz
5 10-Jun-2020 WAT Code Generation buttercup-0.5.tgz


Create a compressed tarball file called hydra_phase5.tgz containing all your project files. Make sure every source file has a comment at the top with the authors’ personal information (student ID and name).

Upload Instructions

To deliver the hydra_phase5.tgz file, please provide the following information:

Request PIN

Only one team member needs to upload the file.

The project phases will be assessed during class on the corresponding due dates.