S/W Design and Architecture

Presentations: Refactorings


During this activity:

This activity helps the student develop the following skills, values and attitudes: self-learning, proficiency in English, ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate, and critical thinking.

Activity Description

Individually, each student shall do class presentations on a specific code refactorings.

Héctor Iván Aguirre ArteagaInline MethodSep-17
Ana Paula Mejía QuirozReplace Temp with QuerySep-17
Andrea Salas NavarroReplace Temp with ChainSep-17
Servio Tulio Reyes CastilloRemove Assignments to ParametersSep-24
Ernesto Alejandro Cervantes VillaSubstitute AlgorithmSep-24
José Eduardo Kotásek ReynaExtract Surrounding MethodSep-24
José Pablo Pérez MendozaRemove Unused Default ParameterOct-01
José María Aguíñiga DíazMove MethodOct-01
Andrés Andaluz RochelMove FieldOct-01
José Rodrigo Narváez BerlangaExtract ClassOct-08
Dachely Otero ArgoteInline ClassOct-08
Marco Antonio Ríos GutiérrezHide DelegateOct-08
Ethan Isaac Bautista TrevizoReplace Data Value with ObjectOct-22
Camille Gaël Celestin BertonReplace Array with ObjectOct-22
Héctor Iván Aguirre ArteagaReplace Hash with ObjectOct-22
Servio Tulio Reyes CastilloEncapsulate CollectionOct-22
Andrea Salas NavarroReplace Type Code with PolymorphismNov-05
Ernesto Alejandro Cervantes VillaReplace Subclass with FieldsNov-05
Ana Paula Mejía QuirozLazily Initialized AttributeNov-05
José Eduardo Kotásek ReynaDecompose ConditionalNov-05
José Pablo Pérez MendozaRecompose ConditionalNov-12
José María Aguíñiga DíazConsolidate Conditional ExpressionNov-12
Andrés Andaluz RochelConsolidate Duplicate Conditional FragmentsNov-12
José Rodrigo Narváez BerlangaRemove Control FlagNov-12
Dachely Otero ArgoteReplace Nested Conditional with Guard ClausesNov-19
Marco Antonio Ríos GutiérrezReplace Conditional with PolymorphismNov-19
Ethan Isaac Bautista TrevizoIntroduce Null ObjectNov-19
Camille Gaël Celestin BertonIntroduce AssertionNov-19

Each presentation must meet the following requirements:


Elements that will be taken into account during the evaluation include: