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Temas para el examen final

Topic Chapters from [JOHNSON]
Computer languages 1
Compilation and interpretation 1
Algorithms 7
Testing 3
Debugging 7
Tracing code by hand 8
Variables 2
Assignment statements 2
print function and options (end, sep). 2, 8
import statement, import * 2, 6
Data types: integers, floats, strings, booleans 2, 6
Input expressions 2
Arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, //, %, ** 2, 8
Comments 2
Function definition 3
Function calling 3
return statement, multiple return values 3, 6
Local variables 3
Scope of a variable 3
Type conversion functions: int(), float(), str(), list() 3, 14
for statement 4
range() function 4
Assignment shorthands: +=, -=, *=, /=, **= 4
Accumulation loops 4
if/elif/else statement 6
Comparison operations: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= 6
Boolean operations: and, or, not 6
while statement 8
Strings: indexing, slicing, operators: +, *, in, not in 11
String methods: split(), find(), rfind(), startswith(), endswith(), count(), isalpha(), isupper(), islower(), isdigit(), upper(), lower(), capitalize(), title(), replace(), center(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), join() 15, 16, 17
String accumulators and for loops over strings 12
Escape sequences:\n, \t, \", \', \" 12
Lists: indexing, slicing, operators: +, *, in, not in 14
List accumulators and for loops over lists 14
Functions for lists and strings: len(), min(), max() 14
del statement for lists 14
List functions: sum(), choice(), shuffle() 14
List methods: append(), insert(), pop(), remove(), reverse(), sort() 14
Using the open() function to open a file for reading or writing, in binary or text mode 15
with statement 15
File methods: read(), readline(), realines(), write() 15
Using the for statement to read a file 15