Reflexión ética: Terms and Conditions May Apply
Esta actividad debe realizarse después de haber visto el video “Terms and Conditions May Apply” dirigido por Cullen Hoback en 2013.
En equipos de hasta cuatro personas, seleccionen tres secciones del apartado Discussion Questions. Discutan las preguntas y respóndanlas de manera consensuada. Elaboren un documento PDF que contenga sus respuestas. No olviden incluir en dicho documento el nombre y matrícula de cada uno de los integrantes del equipo.
Un miembro del equipo debe subir el documento al grupo de Facebook de la materia.
Discussion Questions
The following questions were taken from the document
Terms and Conditions May Apply: Discussion & Activity Guide.
SECTION 1: You Agreed to the Following
Consider a time in recent history when you agreed to Terms and Conditions (e.g., joining a new website, downloading a new app, buying a plane ticket, etc.). If you can recall what or when that was, go back and read the Terms and Conditions, and time yourself while you do it.
How long did it take you?
How do you feel about what you just read? Why?
How will this information affect you when agreeing to Terms and Conditions in the future
SECTION 2: We May Use Your Personal Data
Take 60 seconds to write down a list of all the websites you remember visiting in the last 24 hours.
Did you directly share any of your information on those sites? If so, what? What additional data might they have collected from you while you were on those sites?
Is there any personal information from your online activity that you wouldn’t want your health insurance company to know? Your banking institution? Your employer? Your partner?
Will you adjust your Internet behavior now that you know how your data is used? If yes, how?
SECTION 3: We May Share Your Information with the Government
Browse your phone’s content—text messages, apps, even consider what’s been said during your phone calls.
Is there any activity you conduct on your phone that you wouldn’t want shared with the government? Why or why not?
Is there any activity you conduct on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram that you wouldn’t want shared with the government? Why or why not?
In the film, Austrian law student Max Schrems shows us how Facebook retains all of our information, even after we delete our accounts. In essence, we delete them from ourselves. Does this revelation affect the way you will use Facebook in the future? If so, how?
SECTION 4: Your Information Is “Anonymous”
As part of the Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Consider what you’ve written in your diary, watched on your television or done in the privacy of your own home. Which offline behaviors that average citizens conduct in private might be interpreted by the government as reason for search and seizure?
Do you think your online behavior should be as private as your offline behavior in your own home? Why or why not?
If you could own your data, how would you control it?
If you would consider selling it to companies, what might your criteria be?
SECTION 5: We May Use Your Data to Prevent
Browse your network’s tweets, Facebook posts, or other public comments that have been made online in the past day.
Can you identify anything that might be used against you or your friends? How so?
Leigh Bryan was detained by the Department of Homeland Security for tweeting to a friend, “Free this week for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America? x.” Do you think DHS was justified in its action? Why or why not? Have you ever tweeted or Facebooked something that could be interpreted as a threat?
A common argument by people who are supportive of or indifferent to surveillance is that they have “nothing to hide.” How do the stories of people in the film like Vito LaPinta (12 year old boy who posted that “Obama should be careful because there might be suicide bombers”), Joe Lipari (the person who jokingly paraphrased in Facebook a quote from the movie Fight Club, which referred to use of firearms), Leigh Bryan (the person who tweeted “before I go and destroy America”), and other protesters challenge this reasoning?
SECTION 6: Edward Snowden
On June 5th, 2013, a National Security Agency contractor named Edward Snowden released classified documents that exposed the U.S. government’s PRISM program as well as other global surveillance programs. As a result, United States federal prosecutors filed a criminal complaint against Snowden, charging him with theft of government property, and two counts of violating the U.S. 1917 Espionage Act. Many experts—including a federal judge—deem these spying programs to be violations of the U.S. Constitution.
Do you think Snowden is a patriot or a traitor? Why?
What would you have done in his position?