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Project: The Fortran Compiler

Phase Date Description Exemplar Upload link
1 27-Sep-2013 Lexical analysis. buttercup-0.1.tgz SETA
2 14-Oct-2013 Syntactic analysis. buttercup-0.2.tgz SETA
3 28-Oct-2013 AST construction. buttercup-0.3.tgz SETA
4 14-Nov-2013 Semantic analysis. buttercup-0.4.tgz SETA
5 03-Dec-2013 CIL code generation. buttercup-0.5.tgz SETA


Source code examples

Source file Description Date added
hello.f Prints "Hello World!" in the screen. 07-Oct-2013
largest.f Find the largest of several numbers contained in an array. 07-Oct-2013
fizzbuzz.f This program prints the numbers from 1 to 100, but for multiples of three it prints "fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five it prints "buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five it prints "fizzbuzz". 07-Oct-2013
factorials.f Computes and prints the factorials of numbers from 0 to 10. Factorials are computed using iterative and recursive functions. Updated 14-Nov-2013
types.f Simple examples using all data types and type converversions. 14-Oct-2013
stats.f Computes the average and standard deviation of 200 numbers. 14-Oct-2013
matrix.f Simple big matrix manipulation example. 14-Oct-2013
cramer.f This program uses Cramer's rule to solve a system of 3 linear equations with 3 unknows. 14-Oct-2013
intrinsics.f Using mathematical intrinsic functions. 4-Nov-2013
pi.f Computing pi through numerical integration. 4-Nov-2013